We’ve hit the bottom of the financial barrel. Of course, we normally do this time of year. I always seem to go overboard trying to make summer fun and this year I really over did myself. Actually, between the have tos and the Oh my the fuel pump went out things we did pretty good considering. So with school starting in a few days my budget is gone. There is no money in the barrel. I’m using this time to get creative and challenge myself to do more with less. I was able to find whole tenderloin on sale for $1.69 a pound and some ground beef yesterday. Yippy skippy! I’ve got garden food coming in and a pantry full of the unusual. You know the stuff? The things that tend to get left behind in the pantry. You never really remember when you bought them but they’re always there. Usually they end up being Food pantry donations. I’m also going to dig up some from scratch recipes and make some snacks for after school. I know we can do this. I just get lazy and forget this is actually fun not just a survival tool. I always feel proud of myself for digging in and making due. So tonight the menu consists of fresh corn on the cob, tenderloin cubed up to be stir fried with potatoes out of the garden and possibly corn bread. Mmm! I’ll just see how it goes. I’ll post pictures later hopefully.
In the meantime, here’s a few sites I find helpful when looking for cheap ways to make the paycheck stretch time more tolerable.
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