One of the great things about the web is you can shop around to find the best deal without running yourself rigid. You can also save yourself a little more buy using coupon codes or promo/promotional codes. For those who aren't familiar with these, they are basically codes that you can put into your online checkout cart that will give you a discount. You can sometimes find them on the mailing label of a catalog or retailers you order from frequently may even send you a postcard with the special code. However, if you don't ever receive them or don't get the ones you could actually use, don't despair. As with all things virtual, you can find virtually any retailer's codes on the web. If you're going to buy online, do a little search (google's my personal favorite) for the retailer you're shopping at with the key words "coupon codes", "promo codes", or "promotional codes". i.e. shopping on I search for : coupon codes and end up with sites that have codes such as this one: 4DNW5Q89 FOR $25 off shoes sold by RoadRunner thru or 326465 5% discount on DVDs. Basically, you just look for a code that fits what you are looking for. Some of the places to look that I've found helpful are:
These are just a few of the ones I've used. You can also find them on some of your favorite forums. Some of the ones I've used included:
All three of these sites are great coupon code resources as well as having a multitude of other savings ideas. Just remember to shop around and look for virtual coupons just like you would a traditional paper coupon or sale. Combining these with some of reward programs like and that give cash back or points for purchases, can really cut your costs on things you buy. It takes a few extra clicks but a few extra clicks can really add up to extra savings.
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