I've read a couple of articles on a No Spending Day technique to save money. Some extended it to a week in which you spend no money - cash or credit cards. Basically, although you do spend money each day on things like electricity, mortgage/rent, etc. you aren't allowed to spend any money through out the day on anything else. This got me thinking, can you do this on a regular basis? Many of us are scouring the
Internet, papers, and coupon sections to find the best deal to stock up at the cheapest price possible, but can we take one day or even a week in which we spend absolutely nothing? I've done it the past 3 days but I've been at home for the holidays. I don't return to work until after the first of the year so, yeah, I could do it but then I wouldn't leave my home for 2 weeks. Not a pretty picture. ha! ha! However, I do think that I may start with baby steps and have a No Spending Day once a week for the entire year of 2009. Maybe I'll even get brave and have a No Spending Week in there somewhere. I'll officially start this in January 2009. Now I just need to pick one day and set it in "stone" so to speak and stick to it.
I've also decided to let go of getting a soda pop at work for $1.25 each day but instead of letting the money just go back into my regular budget, I'm going to add it to my change jar. I've not decided what to use the jar for yet. I do raid it
occasionally to buy 3 different newspapers on Sunday for the goods (coupons/sales ads) but in general its untouched. If I pass on the soda pop & save the $$$ from it I can save roughly $25 a month. Wow! That's roughly $300 a year!
Wow! It's amazing how much we spend without even thinking about it.
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