Happy New Year everyone! I hope everyone had a wonderful and safe New Year's Eve. We played board games, watched movies, and ate a ton of junk. New year's is a time to reflect on the year just ending and look forward to the year ahead. Many of us think of the things we want to change and the things we want to continue on. For most of us that dreaded resolution has popped up. Like a million others, mine is to lose weight and get healthy. (financially and physically). There are many, many diet plans out there; all with there pros and cons but I'm turning to one that has worked for me in the past and if I stick with it will again work for me in the future and hopefully for the rest of my life. My favorite part? Its FREE!! My favorite four letter word. ha! ha! It's called

It's a totally free weight loss site that gives you educational tools, diet suggestion plans, and a ton of tools. My favorites are the food and exercise trackers. You simply input your foods and their vast data base can pull up all the "numbers" calories, fat (good and bad), sodium, sugars, fiber, etc. The fitness tracker lets you input your daily exercise which figures the calories your burn and calculates your over all time. There's daily and weekly goals you can set up which you get points for. Awe! The wonderful points. What do points get you? FAME! No just kidding. The points are just a fun way of making a harmless competition of it. You really don't get anything for your points but its addictive to make your points add up. Which leads me to one of the best parts...teams! With hundreds of teams to join you can find a "community" to participating to get encouragement, have questions answered, and just sound off to. They've even started contests and competitions. The latest is one that starts this Sunday called SparkPeople's Official New YOU Boot camp Its a 4 week exercise jump start to a new you. While the prizes are great, the encouragement and structure to a new you are the real prizes. It's great to have someone to push you in a fun way not a hateful way. Here's a little tutorial/preview of this great site.